
Will an Ankle Bracelet Be an Option in Your Brooklyn Criminal Case?

An electronic monitoring device isn’t exactly freedom—if you’re fitted for one, you’ll live under certain restrictions.

It is, nevertheless, better than jail. And New York does use them.

Here’s what you need to know about how New York uses electronic monitoring, when it is used, and whether it will be a viable alternative to jail in your case. 

Defendants Awaiting Trial

Defendants charged with nonviolent misdemeanors are often simply released on their own recognizance, sometimes with certain conditions. Defendants charged with nonviolent felonies are often fitted with an electronic monitoring device. 

A judge must determine that you are eligible. Eligibility requires a stable residence, no open warrants for their arrest, access to a phone, and the ability to operate the bracelets. People charged with domestic violence crimes and sex crimes are ineligible.

The bracelets track your whereabouts and send updates to the Sheriff’s department if you leave areas specified by the conditions of your release. If you leave the designated area then you can be tracked down and arrested. The same is true if you try to remove the bracelet. 


If you are sentenced to probation instead of to jail then an electronic monitoring device may be one of the conditions of your sentence. 


If fitted with an electronic monitoring device you’ll be required to meet certain restrictions. You’ll only be allowed to go to certain locations, and you’ll often be placed under a curfew. 

Disadvantages of Ankle Bracelets

You’ll be charged hefty fees if you are brought into the electronic monitoring program. Fees can range from $5 to $35 per day and may require payment up front

In addition, the restrictions on where you may go or what you may do may make it more difficult to find jobs, keep jobs, or to see family members, friends, or certain medical providers.

Finally you should be aware that ankle bracelets are capable of recording calls and conversations, which means you’re essentially handling police a wiretap.

Finally you have to charge them for a certain period of time each day, and you can’t take it off while you do. That means you’ll essentially have to sit by a plug until the device is fully charged. 

Is it the best solution in your case?

Maybe not. Before we look at electronic monitoring, we’d look at other alternatives, such as getting your charges dropped or dismissed. Nevertheless, there may be cases where it’s your best option for staying out of jail. If so, our office will certainly help you make that decision.

If you’re in trouble and need help with a criminal charge, contact the Neil Ruskin law firm today.

See also:

What Happens When Charges Get Dropped in Brooklyn?

How to Exercise Your 5th Amendment Rights After Getting Arrested in Brooklyn, NY

How to Avoid a Resisting Arrest Charge in Brooklyn, NY

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Brooklyn, NY 11201

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