With Labor Day upon us, remember to be safe while driving
The Labor Day weekend is upon us, and many people are excited to celebrate one final long weekend before the summer comes to a close. This will mean that many people will pack up the car and head out to their favorite vacation spot, probably with plenty of beverages to enjoy once they get there.
This is the way it works for many Labor Day getaways, and it has made the Labor Day weekend one of the heavily enforced weekends for drunk driving. Since Aug. 13, the police have been enforcing a drunk driving crackdown under their “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign. This enforcement campaign will continue through the Labor Day holiday, so you can expect increased police presence and sobriety checkpoints for the remaining days of this campaign.
With this in mind, there are two things that people need to remember as they drive off for the Labor Day weekend. First, be safe this weekend. There is no reason to get behind the wheel of a car after you have had a few drinks. You put yourself at risk of getting a DUI.
However, even if you were to be accused of a DUI, it is important to remember that you have rights and that the police don’t always perform their drunk driving investigations by the book. Mistakes can be made or improper actions can be taken, and these can dramatically alter a DUI investigation. Consult an attorney to ensure your case is handled properly and to protect yourself from any improper action.
Source: TSM, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, Drunk Driving National Enforcement Crackdown, August 13 – September 1, 2014,” Accessed Aug. 29, 2014
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