Robberies in new york: is poverty to blame?
Sometimes, living situations become so dire that any path to resolution can seem logical. Families across the United States suffer from poverty, which negatively affects individuals on physical, mental and emotional levels. When a robbery of any type takes place, New York law enforcement address the situation seriously. However, there are various causes for such a crime, and the factors involved in robbery can be complex when viewed through a legal lens.
While controlling and penalizing robbery in various institutions is complex, an article in American Banker gives possible reasons for the increase of this crime in recent years. Bank crime rates dropped in 2007, but have risen in the last two years; some studies blame the opioid crisis for this resurgence in robbery. While this analysis may be accurate, it does not pinpoint the underlying cause for the increase in bank robberies. As eastern regions of the United States have recieved the hardest hit from the opioid epidemic, many of these states also suffer from unemployment and poverty. Those with opioid addictions may be desperate for money — not only for drugs, but for other necessities.
The National Bureau of Economic Research also provided possible reasons for robbery, noting that improving economies can affect crime rates. According to the NBER, the economic boom of the 1990s could have played a part in the decrease of crime rates such as robberies in New York City and in the nation. The national unemployment rate declined by 25 percent between the years 1990 and 1999, and by 39 percent in New York City between 1992 and 1999. Not only is the decline in joblessness correlated with the decline in crime; the NBER also points out that increases in minimum wage also significantly reduces robberies and other crimes.
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